The best chrome coating for hydraulic cylinder piston rods in the world.

Are you looking for a solution that makes your hydraulic cylinders last longer and perform better? Do you want to ensure the chrome coating process does not release hazardous toxins and is safe for the environment? Are you looking for a partner that can help you with that? You are in the right place.

What is TripleHard®?

TripleHard® chrome coating technology by Savroc is an environmentally-friendly alternative to hexavalent chromium, Cr6, utilizing a trivalent electrolytic process that offers superior durability, safety, and reduced environmental impact in metal plating applications.

The technology represents a groundbreaking shift in manufacturing practices. As industries strive to balance sustainability, safety, and financial prosperity, TripleHard® emerges as a triple play, offering a superior alternative to Cr6, substantial financial benefits, and a commitment to environmental stewardship. In a world where responsible choices drive success, TripleHard® stands out as a beacon of innovation and responsible manufacturing.

Proven results of outshining in performance and durability

Two case studies have proven that TripleHard® outshines Cr6 in terms of crystal structure, providing superior corrosion resistance and durability. In a mining conditions case study, TripleHard® cylinders demonstrated zero rust or corrosion after almost three years, compared to the frequent replacements that were needed with cylinder rods coated with Cr6. Another study was conducted with KITZ ball valves and its results also underscored the reliability and durability of TripleHard®.

Want to know more? Download the case studies below! ⤵️

We at Hydroline are proud of our commitment to environmentally-friendly practices and focus on safety in all situations.

And that is why we have placed our trust in the transformative capabilities of TripleHard®. It is the superior choice for hydraulic cylinder piston rods of the cylinders which need to last under the most demanding and harsh conditions: acidity, extreme heat and saltiness can cause significant damage for hydraulic cylinder rods in very short time. To ensure the safety of the workers, continuity of the business and sustainability for the environment, TripleHard® is the right choice.

That is why we have partnered with Savroc right from the beginning.

Read more about TripleHard® and our other solutions for sustainability from our blog 💎

TripleHard® coating solution by Savroc


Safety, environmental matters and sustainability should be in the core of all business operations. Making sure our personnel and our environment are safe, and by..

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Savroc TripleHard® chrome coating – revolutionizing sustainability and safety in manufacturing


In the era where an increasing amount of attention towards environmental responsibility, sustainability, safety, and financial prudence are at the forefront of business considerations, the..

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Role of hydraulic cylinders in sustainable industries


Embracing the value of environmental sustainability has become more critical than ever. While significant technological advancements have been made, the whole entity of hydraulic systems..

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LEO: The predictive maintenance solution for hydraulic cylinders


What is LEO, the predictive maintenance and monitoring solution for hydraulic cylinders? The project with LEO started already in 2013 when Hydroline presented the invention..

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Contact us directly and let’s discuss more!

If you want to know more about TripleHard or our other sustainable solutions for hydraulic cylinders, you can always give us a call or send an email.

Manu Leinonen.

Manu Leinonen

VP Design and R&D +358 44 765 7047
Mikko Laakkonen.

Mikko Laakkonen

VP Sales and Business Development & Strategy +358 40 505 1625