We'd love to hear from you!
E-invoicing address: 003724175462
Business ID: 2417546-2
VAT identification number: FI24175462
E-invoicing service provider: CGI Suomi Oy
Operator ID: 003703575029
E-Mail invoices
If you wish to send your invoices via e-email, please send them in PDF format to either of the following addresses:
ostolaskut.fi@cgi.com or purchaseinvoices.fi@cgi.com
Kindly ensure, that you have updated your invoice recipient address to:
Hydroline Oy
PL 705
00074 CGI
One e-mail can contain several PDF files (max. 10), however, one PDF file must contain only one invoice and its attachments. The PDF file must have the same address information as the paper invoice.
Paper invoices
If you are not yet sending e-invoices, please send your paper invoices to the following address:
Hydroline Oy
PL 705
00074 CGI
Billing references must be used on all invoices. The reference is either the order or contract number or another reference given by orderer. The billing reference must be added to the e-invoice material.
Contacts for Finland
Sales and Marketing

Mikko Laakkonen
VP Sales and Business Development & Strategy
mikko.laakkonen@hydroline.fi +358 40 505 1625Finance and Administration
Design and R&D
Human Resources
Contacts for Poland
Hydroline Polska Sp. z. o. o.
Metalowa 19
73-100 Stargard
Contact us
At Hydroline, we are committed to operating responsibly and ethically in all of our operations. We expect our entire organization to adhere to corporate law and our ethical principles. If anyone working for Hydroline or for its key stakeholders suspects unethical conduct or other violations, they have the right and obligation to report it.
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