COVID-19: Our resposibility

During these weird and new times, what is our responsibility? The World seems different and we require new ways of working, being close, treating each other well and staying safe.

The past few weeks have been exceptional and filled with quite unexpected events. At Hydroline, we also have a great responsibility in making sure our employees are safe and reminding them about the necessary precautions during this time.  The global situation as a whole is quite uncertain at the moment but as individuals we share a huge responsibility in making an effort to ensuring the safety of others around us. We need to protect the weakest ones in our society.

We have created new guidelines for our operations and we follow all the instructions given by the authorities. We support our white collars’ possibility for remote working and we have closed our doors from visitors. Only the operations that require presence in the facilities are allowed at the moment. According to the most recent available information, we continue to keep our operations running, constantly keeping hygiene and minimum amount of physical social contacts in mind.

Like in most cases, in this situation too, open and constant communication is emphasized. We share our responsibility to our customers by keeping them constantly informed about what is going on and how the things around us might impact our operations. Our suppliers and subcontractors have been very active in communicating with us and we give our thanks to them. A secured and functional supply chain ensures the possibility of keeping companies running even during tough times.

The global uncertainty lays a shadow upon all of us and we cannot be sure what the next few months are going to be like. However, now that it seems to be the time for isolation, it is also the time for connections. In times like this is important to remember the importance of the community even though we cannot physically meet right now.

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